ITEM 59: [Ships]  


A ship for use by a person mainly for purposes other than providing any of the following for any person (whether or not for reward):

(a)  pleasure, sport or recreation;

(b)  private transport;

(c)  accommodation.[Parts]


A ship for use by a person ( ``the exemption user'' ):

(a)  mainly in providing public commuter transport in the course of a business carried on by the exemption user; or

(b)  mainly for long-term leasing to another person who is to use the ship mainly in providing public commuter transport in the course of a business carried on by the other person.[Parts]


A ship that can be licensed to carry at least 12 adult passengers and is for use by a person ( ``the exemption user'' ):

(a)  mainly in providing regular and scheduled sight-seeing tours to the public for reward in the course of a business carried on by the exemption user; or

(b)  mainly for long-term leasing to another person who is to use the ship mainly in providing regular and scheduled sight-seeing tours to the public in the course of a business carried on by the other person.[Parts]


Machinery, implements or apparatus for use by a person mainly as part of the equipment carried on a ship covered by subitem (1), (2) or (3), but not including:

(a)  goods covered by Schedule 2;

(b)  goods for use in connection with the preparation or consumption of food or beverages;

(c)  goods for use for the comfort, entertainment or recreation of the crew or passengers;

(d)  goods for use for cleaning or polishing;

(e)  goods of a kind ordinarily used for domestic purposes.[Parts]


Goods for use by a person exclusively as raw materials in the construction or repair of goods covered by subitem (1), (2), (3) or (4).


In this item:

``public commuter transport'' means transport provided to the public for reward, but not on sight-seeing tours;

``long-term leasing'' means leasing under a lease that has a term of at least 4 years, or leasing under a hire-purchase agreement.

ITEM 60: [Shipping containers]  

Shipping containers for repeated use by a person for the purpose of transporting cargo by sea. In this item, ``shipping container'' means a receptacle that:

(a)  is designed to be loaded from one mode of transport to another without the contents being re-packed; and

(b)  is of a kind ordinarily used as part of an international containerised cargo transport system; and

(c)  has a capacity of at least 14 cubic metres.

ITEM 61: [Aircraft]  


Aircraft other than:

(a)  gliders (including motorised gliders); or

(b)  hang gliders (including motorised hang gliders); or

(c)  model aircraft (including flying models).[Parts]


Machinery, implements or apparatus for use by a person mainly in goods covered by subitem (1).[Parts]


Goods for use by a person exclusively as raw materials in the construction or repair of goods covered by subitem (1) or (2).

ITEM 62: [Public railways]  


Goods for use by a person exclusively in, or in connection with, the establishment, operation or maintenance by that person of a public railway.


In this item, ``public railway'' means a railway that provides a service, principally for use by the public, for transporting persons or goods (other than a service provided within premises, or in an area, used mainly for or in connection with recreation, pleasure or amusement).

ITEM 63: [Passenger buses]  


Buses that:

(a)  are for use by a person mainly in transporting passengers for reward; and

(b)  provide seating accommodation for 12 or more adult passengers.


Chassis for use by a person exclusively in constructing buses covered by subitem (1).

ITEM 64: [Public transport authorities]  


Goods for use by a public transport authority exclusively for or in connection with the establishment, conduct or maintenance of transport services. In this item, ``public transport authority'' does not include a Commonwealth-controlled authority within the meaning of section 130 of the Assessment Act.


This Item does not cover goods for use by the authority as part of a car remuneration package.

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