Criminal Code Act 1995

Schedule - The Criminal Code  

Section 3


Part 5.3 - Terrorism  

Division 102 - Terrorist organisations  

Subdivision A - Definitions  

SECTION 102.1A   Reviews by Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security  


This section applies in relation to the following legislative instruments:

(a)    a regulation that specifies an organisation for the purposes of paragraph (b) of the definition of terrorist organisation in section 102.1 ;

(b)    an instrument made under section 102.1AA .


The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security may:


review the legislative instrument at any time; and


report the Committee ' s comments and recommendations to each House of the Parliament.

Review of disallowable legislative instrument - extension of disallowance period


If the Committee ' s report on a review of a disallowable legislative instrument is tabled in a House of the Parliament under subsection (2) :

(a)    during the applicable disallowance period for that House; and

(b)    on or after the eighth sitting day of the applicable disallowance period;

then Part 2 of Chapter 3 of the Legislation Act 2003 has effect, in relation to that disallowable legislative instrument and that House, as if each period of 15 sitting days referred to in that Part were extended in accordance with the table:

Extension of applicable disallowance period
Item If the Committee ' s report is tabled in that House … extend the period of 15 sitting days by …
1 on the fifteenth sitting day of the applicable disallowance period 8 sitting days of that House
2 on the fourteenth sitting day of the applicable disallowance period 7 sitting days of that House
3 on the thirteenth sitting day of the applicable disallowance period 6 sitting days of that House
4 on the twelfth sitting day of the applicable disallowance period 5 sitting days of that House
5 on the eleventh sitting day of the applicable disallowance period 4 sitting days of that House
6 on the tenth sitting day of the applicable disallowance period 3 sitting days of that House
7 on the ninth sitting day of the applicable disallowance period 2 sitting days of that House
8 on the eighth sitting day of the applicable disallowance period 1 sitting day of that House

Applicable disallowance period


The applicable disallowance period for a House of the Parliament means the period of 15 sitting days of that House after the disallowable legislative instrument, or a copy of the disallowable legislative instrument, was laid before that House in accordance with section 38 of the Legislation Act 2003 .

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