Criminal Code Act 1995

Schedule - The Criminal Code  

Section 3


Part 5.3 - Terrorism  

Division 105 - Preventative detention orders  

Subdivision D - Informing person detained about preventative detention order  

SECTION 105.31   Compliance with obligations to inform  

Subsection 105.28(1) or 105.29(1) or section 105.30 does not apply if the actions of the person being detained under the preventative detention order make it impracticable for the police officer to comply with that subsection.


A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in subsection (1) (see subsection 13.3(3) ).

The police officer detaining the person under the preventative detention order complies with subsection 105.28(1) or 105.29(1) if the police officer informs the person in substance of the matters covered by subsection 105.28(2) or 105.29(2) (even if this is not done in language of a precise or technical nature).

The police officer who is detaining the person under the preventative detention order must arrange for the assistance of an interpreter in complying with subsection 105.28(1) or 105.29(1) or section 105.30 if the police officer has reasonable grounds to believe that the person is unable, because of inadequate knowledge of the English language or a physical disability, to communicate with reasonable fluency in that language.

Without limiting subsection (3), the assistance of the interpreter may be provided by telephone.

The lawfulness of a person ' s detention under a preventative detention order is not affected by a failure to comply with subsection 105.28(1) or 105.29(1) , section 105.30 or subsection (3) of this section.

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