Criminal Code Act 1995

Schedule - The Criminal Code  

Section 3


Part 9.1 - Serious drug offences  

Division 301 - Serious drugs and precursors  

Subdivision B - Serious drugs and precursors: commercial, marketable and trafficable quantities  

SECTION 301.10  

301.10   Meaning of commercial quantity  
For the purposes of this Part, a commercial quantity of a serious drug, controlled precursor or border controlled precursor is a quantity not less than that provided by the following table:

Commercial quantities of serious drugs and precursors
Item Serious drug or precursor Commercial quantity (minimum)
1 A serious drug (other than a drug analogue), controlled precursor or border controlled precursor Either:
(a) the quantity listed as a commercial quantity of the drug or precursor in a regulation made for the purposes of this section; or
(b) the quantity determined as a commercial quantity of the drug or precursor by the AFP Minister under section 301.15 (which deals with emergency determinations of quantities).
2 A drug analogue of 1 or more listed controlled drugs Either:
(a) for a drug analogue of a single listed controlled drug - the commercial quantity of the listed drug; or
(b) for a drug analogue of 2 or more listed controlled drugs - the smallest commercial quantity of any of the listed drugs.
3 A drug analogue of 1 or more listed border controlled drugs Either:
(a) for a drug analogue of a single listed border controlled drug - the commercial quantity of the listed drug; or
(b) for a drug analogue of 2 or more listed border controlled drugs - the smallest commercial quantity of any of the listed drugs.


A drug analogue of a listed controlled drug, or a listed border controlled drug, is itself a controlled drug or border controlled drug (see paragraphs 301.1(b) and 301.4(1)(b) , and the definition of drug analogue in section 301.9 ).

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