Criminal Code Act 1995

Schedule - The Criminal Code  

Section 3


Part 9.5 - Identity crime  

Division 372 - Identity fraud offences  

SECTION 372.3   Possession of equipment used to make identification documentation  

A person (the first person ) commits an offence if:

(a) the first person possesses equipment; and

(b) the first person intends that any person (whether or not the first person) will use the equipment to make identification documentation; and

(c) the first person intends that any person (whether or not referred to in paragraph (b)) will use the identification documentation to engage in conduct; and

(d) the conduct referred to in paragraph (c) constitutes an offence against section 372.1 or subsection 372.1A(1) or (3) .

Penalty: Imprisonment for 3 years.

Absolute liability applies to the paragraph (1)(d) element of the offence.


For absolute liability, see section 6.2 .

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