Criminal Code Act 1995

Schedule - The Criminal Code  

Section 3


Part 9.10 - Community safety orders  

Division 395 - Community safety orders  

Subdivision A - Preliminary  

SECTION 395.4   Regulations may modify operation of this Division to deal with interaction between this Division and State and Territory laws  

The regulations may modify the operation of this Division so that:

(a)    provisions of this Division do not apply to a matter that is dealt with by a law of a State or Territory specified in the regulations; or

(b)    no inconsistency arises between the operation of a provision of this Division and the operation of a State or Territory law specified in the regulations.

Without limiting subsection (1) , regulations made for the purposes of that subsection may provide that the provision of this Division does not apply to:

(a)    a person specified in the regulations; or

(b)    a body specified in the regulations; or

(c)    circumstances specified in the regulations; or

(d)    a person or body specified in the regulations in the circumstances specified in the regulations.

In this section:

includes act, omission, body, person or thing.

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