Criminal Code Act 1995

Schedule - The Criminal Code  

Section 3


Part 10.2 - Money laundering  

Division 400 - Money laundering  

SECTION 400.10A   Effect of money or property being provided as part of a controlled operation - proceeds of indictable crime  


In a prosecution for an offence by a person against section 400.2B , 400.3 , 400.4 , 400.5 , 400.6 , 400.7 or 400.8 (other than an offence against a proceeds of general crime offence provision) in relation to the person dealing with money or other property, it is not necessary to prove that the money or property is proceeds of indictable crime if it is proved that, as part of a controlled operation in relation to suspected offences against this Division, either of the following provided the money or property:

(a)    a law enforcement participant in the controlled operation;

(b)    a civilian participant in the controlled operation, acting in accordance with the instructions of a law enforcement officer.

In this section:

civilian participant
in a controlled operation has the meaning given by Part IAB of the Crimes Act 1914 .

controlled operation
has the meaning given by Part IAB of the Crimes Act 1914 .

law enforcement officer
has the meaning given by subsection 3(1) of the Crimes Act 1914 .

law enforcement participant
in a controlled operation has the meaning given by Part IAB of the Crimes Act 1914 .

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