In this Act:

broker ' s licence
means a licence to act as a customs broker granted under section 183C of the Customs Act and includes such a licence that has been renewed under section 183CJ of that Act.

"cargo report"
means a cargo report under section 64AB of the Customs Act.

"commencement day"
means the day on which Part IVA of the Customs Act commences.

Comptroller-General of Customs
means the person who is the Comptroller-General of Customs in accordance with subsection 11(3) or 14(2) of the Australian Border Force Act 2015 .

"Customs Act"
means the Customs Act 1901 .

customs broker licence application charge
means the customs broker licence application charge payable as set out in section 183CA of the Customs Act.

customs broker licence charge
means the customs broker licence charge payable as set out in section 183CJA of the Customs Act.

"depot licence"
means a licence granted under section 77G of the Customs Act and includes such a licence that has been renewed under section 77T of that Act.

"depot licence application charge"
means the depot licence application charge payable as set out in section 77H of the Customs Act .

"depot licence charge"
means the depot licence charge payable as set out in section 77U of the Customs Act .

"depot licence variation charge"
means the depot licence variation charge payable as set out in section 77LA of the Customs Act .

(Repealed by No 41 of 2015)

"line of cargo"
means cargo covered by that part of a cargo report that constitutes a reference to:

(a) a single air waybill or similar document; or

(b) a single bill of lading or similar document.

"transactions handled"
, in relation to a place that is, or becomes, a depot licensed under Part IVA of the Customs Act and to a period, means lines of cargo received into that place during that period.

warehouse licence
means a licence granted under section 79 of the Customs Act and includes such a licence that has been renewed under section 84 of that Act.

warehouse licence application charge
means the warehouse licence application charge payable as set out in section 80 of the Customs Act.

warehouse licence charge
means the warehouse licence charge payable as set out in section 85 of the Customs Act.

warehouse licence variation charge
means the warehouse licence variation charge payable as set out in section 81B of the Customs Act.

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