Income Tax Assessment Act 1997
The company calculates its taxable income for the income year in this way: Method statement
Step 1.
Divide the income year into periods: each change in ownership or control is a dividing point between periods.
Step 2.
Treat each period as if it were an income year and work out the notional loss or notional taxable income for that period.
Step 3.
Work out the taxable income for the year of the change by adding up:
and then subtracting any full year deductions (deductions not taken into account at Step 2).
Do not take into account any notional loss.
As well as a taxable income, the company will have a tax loss. It is the total of:
Special rules apply if the company was in partnership at some time during the income year.
For the special rules that apply if the company was in partnership: see sections 165-75 to 165-90 .
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