Income Tax Assessment Act 1997



Division 30 - Gifts or contributions  

Subdivision 30-B - Tables of recipients for deductible gifts  

Welfare and rights

SECTION 30-45   Welfare and rights  


This table sets out general categories of welfare and rights recipients.

Welfare and rights - General
Item Fund, authority or institution Special conditions - fund, authority or institution Special conditions - gift
4.1.1 a *registered public benevolent institution none none
4.1.2 a public fund maintained for the purpose of providing money for:
(a) *registered public benevolent institutions; or
(b) the establishment of registered public benevolent institutions
the public fund must:
(a) have been established before 23 October 1963; and
(b) be:
  (i) a *registered charity; or
  (ii) operated by a registered
4.1.3 a public fund established and maintained for the purpose of relieving the necessitous circumstances of one or more individuals who are in Australia the public fund must be:
(a) an *Australian government agency; or
(b) a *registered charity; or
(c) operated by an Australian government agency or a registered charity
4.1.4 an institution whose principal activity is the promotion of the prevention or the control of *behaviour that is harmful or abusive to human beings the institution must:
(a) be a *registered charity; and
(b) meet the requirements of section 30-130 ; and
(c) have a policy of not acting as a mere conduit for the donation of money or property to other organisations, bodies or persons
the gift must be received by the institution ' s gift fund (mentioned in section 30-130 )
4.1.5 a public fund (including a public fund established and maintained by a public benevolent institution) that is established and maintained solely for providing money for the relief (including relief by way of assistance to re-establish a community) of people in Australia in distress as a result of a disaster to which subsection 30-45A(1) or 30-46(1) applies the public fund must:
(a) be:
  (i) an *Australian government
    agency; or
  (ii) a *registered charity; or
(b) be operated by:
  (i) an Australian government
    agency; or
  (ii) a registered charity
see subsections 30-45A(4) and 30-46(2)
4.1.6 an institution whose principal activity is one or both of the following:
(a) providing short-term direct care to animals (but not only native wildlife) that have been lost or mistreated or are without owners;
(b) rehabilitating orphaned, sick or injured animals (but not only native wildlife) that have been lost or mistreated or are without owners
the institution must be a *registered charity none
4.1.7 an institution that would be a public benevolent institution, but for one or both of the following:
(a) it also promotes the prevention or the control of diseases in human beings (but not as a principal activity);
(b) it also promotes the prevention or the control of *behaviour that is harmful or abusive to human beings (but not as a principal activity)
the institution must be a *registered charity none


This table sets out specific welfare and rights recipients.

Welfare and rights - Specific
Item Fund, authority or institution Special conditions
4.2.1 Amnesty International Australia none
4.2.2 the Child Accident Prevention Foundation of Australia none
4.2.3 the National Foundation for Australian Women Limited none
4.2.4 the National Safety Council of Australia Limited none
4.2.5 United Way Australia the gift must be made after 25 April 2013
4.2.6 the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals New South Wales none
4.2.7 the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Victoria) Inc. none
4.2.8 Australian Neighbourhood Houses & Centres Association (ANHCA) Inc. the gift must be made after 30 June 2013
4.2.9 the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (South Australia) Incorporated none
4.2.10 the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Western Australia none
4.2.11 Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Tasmania none
4.2.12 the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Northern Territory) none
4.2.13 the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (A.C.T.) Incorporated none
4.2.14 RSPCA Australia none
4.2.15 the Australian Council of Social Service Incorporated the gift must be made after 30 June 2013
4.2.16 (Repealed by No 101 of 2006 )  
4.2.17 (Repealed by No 101 of 2006 )  
4.2.18 (Repealed by No 101 of 2006 )  
4.2.19 Reconciliation Australia Limited the gift must be made after 6 December 2000
4.2.20 Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Queensland Incorporated the gift must be made after 22 December 1999
4.2.21 Crime Stoppers Western Australia Limited the gift must be made after 31 October 2002
4.2.22 New South Wales Crime Stoppers Limited the gift must be made after 31 October 2002
4.2.23 Crime Stoppers Tasmania the gift must be made after 28 November 2002
4.2.24 Crime Stoppers Queensland Limited the gift must be made after 23 January 2003
4.2.25 Crime Stoppers Australia Ltd the gift must be made after 4 June 2003
4.2.26 Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Foundation Limited the gift must be made after 5 June 2003
4.2.27 Crime Stoppers South Australia Limited the gift must be made on or after 19 September 2003
4.2.28 International Social Service - Australian Branch the gift must be made after 17 March 2004
4.2.29 the Victorian Crime Stoppers Program the gift must be made after 22 April 2004
4.2.30 (Repealed by No 101 of 2006)  
4.2.31 Crime Stoppers Northern Territory Program the gift must be made after 13 March 2005
4.2.31A ACT Region Crime Stoppers Limited the gift must be made after 12 February 2009
4.2.32 Kidsafe ACT (Inc.) the gift must be made after 2 August 2007
4.2.33 Kidsafe New South Wales (Inc.) the gift must be made after 2 August 2007
4.2.34 Kidsafe NT (Inc.) the gift must be made after 2 August 2007
4.2.35 Kidsafe Qld (Inc.) the gift must be made after 2 August 2007
4.2.36 Kidsafe SA Incorporated the gift must be made after 2 August 2007
4.2.37 Kidsafe Tasmania (Inc) the gift must be made after 2 August 2007
4.2.38 Kidsafe Vic (Inc.) the gift must be made after 2 August 2007
4.2.39 Kidsafe Western Australia (Inc) the gift must be made after 2 August 2007
4.2.40 Ian Thorpe ' s Fountain for youth Limited the gift must be made after 28 February 2008
4.2.41 (Repealed by No 118 of 2009)  
4.2.42 National Congress of Australia ' s First Peoples Limited the gift must be made after 30 June 2013
4.2.43 2017 Bourke Street Fund Trust Account the gift must be made:
(a) after 20 January 2017; and
(b) before 21 January 2022
4.2.44 Victorian Pride Centre Ltd the gift must be made after 8 March 2018 and before 9 March 2028
4.2.45 Australian Volunteers Support Trust the gift must be made after 30 June 2019
4.2.46 Community Rebuilding Trust the gift must be made after 30 June 2019
4.2.47 Motherless Daughters Australia Limited the gift must be made after 30 June 2019 and before 1 July 2025
4.2.48 Neighbourhood Watch Australasia Limited the gift must be made after 30 June 2019
4.2.49 Alliance for Journalists ' Freedom Ltd the gift must be made after 30 June 2020
4.2.50 Youthsafe the gift must be made after 30 June 2020

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