Income Tax Assessment Act 1997



Division 705 - Tax cost setting amount for assets where entities become subsidiary members of consolidated groups  

Subdivision 705-A - Basic case: a single entity joining an existing consolidated group  

Guide to Subdivision 705-A

SECTION 705-5   What this Subdivision is about  

When an entity becomes a subsidiary member of an existing consolidated group, the tax cost setting amount for its assets reflects the cost to the group of acquiring the entity.

Application and object
705-10 Application and object of this Subdivision
705-15 Cases where this Subdivision does not have effect
Tax cost setting amount for assets that joining entity brings into joined group
705-20 Tax cost setting amount worked out under this Subdivision
705-25 Tax cost setting amount for retained cost base assets
705-27 Reduction in tax cost setting amount that exceeds market value of certain retained cost base assets
705-30 What is the joining entity ' s terminating value for an asset?
705-35 Tax cost setting amount for reset cost base assets
705-40 Tax cost setting amount for reset cost base assets held on revenue account etc.
705-45 Reduction in tax cost setting amount for accelerated depreciation assets
705-47 Reduction in tax cost setting amount for some privatised assets
705-50 (Repealed By No 56 of 2010 )
705-55 Order of application of sections 705-40, 705-45 and 705-47
705-56 Modification for tax cost setting in relation to leases
705-56A (Repealed by No 99 of 2012)
705-57 Adjustment to tax cost setting amount where loss of pre-CGT status of membership interests in joining entity
705-58 Assets and liabilities not set off against each other
705-59 Exception: treatment of linked assets and liabilities
How to work out the allocable cost amount
705-60 What is the joined group ' s allocable cost amount for the joining entity?
705-62 No double counting of amounts in allocable cost amount
705-65 Cost of membership interests in the joining entity - step 1 in working out allocable cost amount
705-70 Liabilities of the joining entity - step 2 in working out allocable cost amount
705-75 Liabilities of the joining entity - reductions for purposes of step 2 in working out allocable cost amount
705-76 Liability arising from transfer or assignment of securitised assets
705-80 Liabilities of the joining entity - reductions/increases for purposes of step 2 in working out allocable cost amount
705-85 Liabilities of the joining entity - increases for purposes of step 2 in working out allocable cost amount
705-90 Undistributed, taxed profits accruing to joined group before joining time - step 3 in working out allocable cost amount
705-93 If pre-joining time roll-over from foreign resident company or head company - step 3A in working out allocable cost amount
705-95 Pre-joining time distributions out of certain profits - step 4 in working out allocable cost amount
705-100 Losses accruing to joined group before joining time - step 5 in working out allocable cost amount
705-102 FRT disallowed amounts accruing to joined group before joining time - step 5A in working out allocable cost amount
705-105 Continuity of holding membership interests - steps 3 to 5A in working out allocable cost amount
705-110 If joining entity transfers a loss to the head company - step 6 in working out allocable cost amount
705-112 If joining entity transfers a FRT disallowed amount to the head company - step 6A in working out allocable cost amount
705-115 If head company becomes entitled to certain deductions - step 7 in working out allocable cost amount
705-120 (Repealed by No 90 of 2002)
How to work out a pre-CGT factor for assets of joining entity
705-125 Pre-CGT proportion for joining entity

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