Income Tax Assessment Act 1997



Division 727 - Indirect value shifting affecting interests in companies and trusts, and arising from non-arm ' s length dealings  

Subdivision 727-K - Reduction of loss on equity or loan interests realised before the IVS time  

SECTION 727-870   Effect of CGT roll-over  


(a) the * realisation event mentioned in paragraph 727-850(1)(c) is a * CGT event; and

(b) section 727-850 reduces a loss that would, apart from this Division, be * realised for income tax purposes by the CGT event; and

(c) there is a roll-over for the CGT event;

the interest ' s * reduced cost base at the time of the CGT event is taken to have been reduced by the amount by which section 727-850 reduces that loss, but is so taken only for the purposes of working out:

(d) the interest ' s reduced cost base, from time to time after the roll-over, for the entity that * acquired the interest because of the CGT event; and

(e) in the case of a * replacement-asset roll-over - the reduced cost base of the replacement CGT asset, from time to time after the roll-over, for the entity that * disposed of the interest.


Because of the roll-over, the loss reduction under section 727-850 will have no tax effect. This subsection ensures that the loss reduction is passed on, through the reduction in reduced cost base, to prevent or reduce a loss arising on a later CGT event.

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