A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

Chapter 5 - Miscellaneous  

Part 5-1 - Miscellaneous  

Division 177 - Miscellaneous  


177-11   Delegation by Aged Care Secretary  

The * Aged Care Secretary may, in writing, delegate his or her powers under paragraph 38-25(3B) (b) to:

(a) a person in relation to whom there is in force a delegation by the Aged Care Secretary of functions under subsection 96-2(5) of the Aged Care Act 1997 ; or

(b) a person:

(i) who is a person of a kind specified in a determination that is in force and that is made by the * Aged Care Minister for the purposes of paragraph 38-25(3B) (a); and

(ii) whom the Aged Care Secretary is satisfied is qualified and experienced to make assessments of the kind referred to in paragraph 38-25(3B) (b).

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