A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

Chapter 4 - The special rules  

Part 4-1 - Special rules mainly about particular ways entities are organised  


The special rules in this Part mainly modify the operation of Part 2-2 so far as that Part deals with liability for GST and entitlement to input tax credits, but the special rules also affect other aspects of Part 2-2 and the other Parts of Chapter 2 .

Division 48 - GST groups  

Subdivision 48-A - Formation and membership of GST groups  

48-15   Relationship of companies and non-companies in a GST group  

A * company that is a member of a * GST group , or a proposed GST group, satisfies this section if:

(a) a * partnership , trust or individual that is a member of the GST group or proposed GST group would, if it were another company, have * at least a 90% stake in that company; or

(b) the company has only one member, and that member:

(i) is a partner in a partnership that is a member of the GST group or proposed GST group; or

(ii) is an individual that is a member of the GST group or proposed GST group; or

(iii) is a * family member of that partner or individual; or

(c) the company has more than one member, each of whom is:

(i) a partner in the same partnership that is a member of the GST group or proposed GST group; or

(ii) a family member of any such partner;
and one of the following applies:

(iii) at least 2 of the partners are members of the company;

(iv) one of the partners is a member of the company, and at least one other member of the company is a family member of a different partner;

(v) none of the partners is a member of the company, and the members of the company are not all family members of the same partner and no other partner; or

(d) the company has more than one member, each of whom is:

(i) an individual who is a member of the GST group or proposed GST group; or

(ii) a family member of that individual; or

(e) a trust is a member of the GST group or proposed GST group, and distributions of income or capital of the trust are not made except to an entity that is:

(i) the company; or

(ii) any other company that is a member of the GST group or proposed GST group; or

(iia) a member of, or a family member of a member of, any company referred to in subparagraph (i) or (ii) that is a company to which subsection (1A) applies; or

(iii) an * endorsed charity or a * gift-deductible entity .

(Repealed by No 169 of 2012)

This subsection applies to a company if:

(a) the company has only one member; or

(b) the company has more than one member, and:

(i) at least 2 of the members are beneficiaries of the trust in question (either directly, or indirectly through one or more interposed trusts); or

(ii) one of the members is such a beneficiary, and at least one other such beneficiary is a * family member of a different member of the company; or

(iii) none of the members is such a beneficiary, and those family members (of the members of the company) who are such beneficiaries are not all family members of the same member of the company and no other member.


A person is a family member of an individual if the individual ' s family, within the meaning of section 272-95 of Schedule 2F to the * ITAA 1936 , includes that person. There are no family members of an entity that is not an individual.

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