A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999


Division 1 - Eligibility for family tax benefit  

Subdivision D - Determination of percentage of care  

SECTION 35FA   Meaning of interim period  

An interim period for a determination under section 35A or 35B of an individual ' s percentage of care for a child is (subject to subsection (4)) the period:

(a) beginning on:

(i) the individual ' s change of care day, unless subsection (2) applies; or

(ii) if subsection (2) applies - the day specified in that subsection; and

(b) ending:

(i) as set out in the applicable item of the following table, unless subparagraph (ii), (iii) or (iv) applies; or

(ii) if the individual referred to in paragraph 35C(1)(c) who has reduced care of the child ceases to take reasonable action to ensure that the care arrangement is complied with - on the day the individual so ceases; or

(iii) if a care arrangement in relation to the child ceases to apply on a day - on that day; or

(iv) if a care arrangement in relation to the child begins to apply on a day - on the day before that day.

Interim period
Item If the following conditions are met … the interim period ends …
1 (a) the care arrangement for the child is a court order;
(b) the Secretary is not satisfied that special circumstances exist in relation to the child;
(c) assuming table item 2 applied, the period that would apply under that item ends before the end of the period of 52 weeks starting on the day the court order first takes effect
at the end of that 52 week period.
2 (a) the care arrangement for the child is a court order;
(b) the Secretary is not satisfied that special circumstances exist in relation to the child;
(c) table item 1 does not apply
at the end of:
(a) the period of 26 weeks starting on the change of care day, unless paragraph (b) applies; or
(b) the period of 14 weeks starting on the day the individual who has increased care of the child began continuously taking reasonable action to participate in family dispute resolution if:
(i) that 14 week period ends before the end of the 26 week period referred to in paragraph (a); and
(ii) the individual takes that reasonable action throughout that 14 week period.
3 (a) the care arrangement for the child is a written agreement or a parenting plan;
(b) the Secretary is not satisfied that special circumstances exist in relation to the child;
(c) the change of care day occurs before the end of the period of 38 weeks after the day the agreement or plan first takes effect
at the end of the period of 14 weeks starting on the change of care day.
4 (a) the care arrangement for the child is a written agreement or a parenting plan;
(b) the Secretary is not satisfied that special circumstances exist in relation to the child;
(c) the change of care day occurs after the end of the period of 38 weeks, but before the end of the period of 48 weeks, starting on the day the agreement or plan first takes effect
at the end of:
(a) the period of 14 weeks starting on the change of care day, unless paragraph (b) applies; or
(b) the period of 4 weeks starting on the day the individual who has increased care of the child began continuously taking reasonable action to participate in family dispute resolution if:
(i) that 4 week period began at or after the end of the period of 48 weeks starting on the day the agreement or plan first takes effect; and
(ii) that 4 week period ends before the end of the 14 week period referred to in paragraph (a); and
(iii) the individual takes that reasonable action throughout that 4 week period.
5 (a) the care arrangement for the child is a written agreement or a parenting plan;
(b) the Secretary is not satisfied that special circumstances exist in relation to the child;
(c) the change of care day occurs after the end of 48 weeks after the agreement or plan first takes effect
at the end of:
(a) the period of 14 weeks starting on the change of care day, unless paragraph (b) applies; or
(b) the period of 4 weeks starting on the day the individual who has increased care of the child began continuously taking reasonable action to participate in family dispute resolution if:
(i) that 4 week period ends before the end of the 14 week period referred to in paragraph (a); and
(ii) the individual takes that reasonable action throughout that 4 week period.
6 the Secretary is satisfied that special circumstances exist in relation to the child on the day determined by the Secretary, being a day before the day the period would otherwise end if the special circumstances did not exist in relation to the child.

Beginning of later interim periods


(a) an interim period for the determination ends under item 2, 4 or 5 of the table in subsection (1) before the end of the maximum interim period for the determination; and

(b) the individual referred to in paragraph 35C(1)(c) who has reduced care of the child is taking reasonable action to ensure that the care arrangement is complied with; and

(c) the individual (the second carer ) who has increased care of the child ceases to take reasonable action to participate in family dispute resolution before the end of the maximum interim period;

then a further interim period for the determination begins on the day the second carer ceases to take such reasonable action.

When an individual takes reasonable action to participate in family dispute resolution

An individual who has increased care of a child takes reasonable action to participate in family dispute resolution if:

(a) the individual:

(i) initiates and participates in family dispute resolution; or

(ii) participates in family dispute resolution that was initiated by the individual referred to in paragraph 35C(1)(c) who has reduced care of the child; and

(b) in relation to determining whether an interim period begins on the change of care day for the individual - the individual takes an action referred to in paragraph (a) within a reasonable period of that day.

Determinations made before the end of a maximum interim period

A determination under section 35A or 35B of an individual ' s percentage of care for a child does not have an interim period if the determination is made under that section before the end of the maximum interim period for another determination under either of those sections of the individual ' s percentage of care for the child (see sections 35PA and 35QA ).

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