A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999


Division 3 - Eligibility for additional child care subsidy  

Subdivision B - Eligibility for ACCS (temporary financial hardship)  

SECTION 85CI   Revocation of determinations  


(a)    a determination made under section 85CH in relation to an individual is in effect for a week; and

(b)    the Secretary considers that a circumstance prescribed by the Minister ' s rules for the purposes of subsection 85CG(2) (temporary financial hardship) does not exist in relation to the individual during the week;

the Secretary may, by written notice given to the individual, cancel or vary the determination so that the determination is not in effect for the week.


Persons whose interests are affected by the decision must be notified of the decision and of their right to have it reviewed (see section 27A of the AAT Act).

If the Secretary revokes a determination, the determination ceases to have effect on the day specified in the notice (which must be a Monday and may be earlier than the day the notice is given).

If the Secretary varies a determination, the determination is varied as specified in the notice with effect from the day specified in the notice (which must be a Monday and may be earlier than the day the notice is given).

The Secretary may vary or revoke a determination even if the determination has ceased to be in effect.

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