A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999


Division 1 - Entitlements in respect of eligible children  

SECTION 92   General rules  

Overlapping categories

If, at the time the Secretary determines whether an individual is entitled to an economic security strategy payment to families under this Division, 2 or more subsections of section 89 would otherwise apply to the individual in relation to an eligible child, then the first of those subsections applies to the individual in relation to that child and none of the others apply to the individual in relation to that child.


For the purposes of this section, section 91 of this Act (amount of payment) and section 71J of the Family Assistance Administration Act (debts), it is necessary to know which subsection of section 89 of this Act applies to an individual.

More than one recipient per child in FTB category

If an economic security strategy payment to families under this Division in relation to an eligible child is paid to an individual because subsection 89(2) , (3) or (4) applied to the individual, then another individual can be paid an economic security strategy payment to families under this Division in relation to that child only if subsection 89(2) , (3) or (4) applies to the other individual.

Only one recipient per child in youth allowance or ABSTUDY category

If an economic security strategy payment to families under this Division in relation to an eligible child is paid to an individual because subsection 89(5) or (6) applied to the individual, then no other individual can be paid an economic security strategy payment to families under this Division in relation to that child.

More than one recipient per child in education allowance category

If an economic security strategy payment to families under this Division in relation to an eligible child is paid to an individual because subsection 89(7) or (8) applied to the individual, then another individual can be paid an economic security strategy payment to families under this Division in relation to that child only if subsection 89(7) or (8) applies to the other individual.

One payment per individual per eligible child

If an economic security strategy payment to families under this Division in relation to an eligible child is paid to an individual, no further economic security strategy payment to families under this Division in relation to that child can be paid to the individual.

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