A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999


Schedule 1 - Family Tax Benefit Rate Calculator  

Part 2 - Part A rate (Method 1)  

Division 5 - Maintenance income test  

Subdivision C - Maintenance income ceiling for Method 1  


24G   Overall method for working out maintenance income ceiling for Method 1  
For the purposes of paragraph (d) of step 1 of the method statement in clause 20 , this is how to work out an individual ' s maintenance income ceiling for maintenance income received by the individual, or the individual ' s partner, from another individual (the maintenance payer ) if the individual ' s Part A rate is worked out using this Part (Method 1): Method statement

Step 1.

Work out the individual ' s above base standard amount for the maintenance income using clause 24H .

Step 1A.

Work out the individual ' s above base energy supplement amount for the maintenance income using clause 24HA .

Step 2.

Work out the individual ' s RA amount for the maintenance income using clause 24J .

Step 3.

Work out the individual ' s MIFA amount for the maintenance income using clause 24K .

Step 4.

Work out the individual ' s maintenance income ceiling for the maintenance income using clause 24L .

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