A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999


Schedule 1 - Family Tax Benefit Rate Calculator  

Part 4 - Part B rate  

Division 1 - Overall rate calculation process  

Subdivision B - Method of calculating Part B rate for those who return to paid work after the birth of a child etc.  

29D   Energy supplement  

Paragraph 29A(2)(c) of this Schedule does not apply to an individual on or after the commencement of this clause unless:

(a) the individual was entitled to be paid family tax benefit in respect of 19 September 2016; and

(b) the individual ' s Part A rate of family tax benefit in respect of 19 September 2016 was not worked out under Part 3A of this Schedule.

However, if:

(a) the individual ceases to be entitled to be paid family tax benefit in respect of a day (the applicable day ) on or after 20 September 2016; or

(b) the individual ' s Part A rate of family tax benefit is worked out under Part 3A of this Schedule in respect of a day (the applicable day ) on or after 20 September 2016;

then paragraph 29A(2)(c) of this Schedule does not apply, and never again applies, to the individual from:

(c) if the applicable day is before the commencement of this clause - the start of the day this clause commences; or

(d) if the applicable day is on or after the commencement of this clause - the start of the applicable day.

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