A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999


Division 4 - Functions and responsibilities of nominees  

SECTION 219TH   Giving of notices to correspondence nominee  

Any notice that the Secretary is authorised or required by the family assistance law to give to a person may be given by the Secretary to the person's correspondence nominee.

The notice:

(a) must, in every respect, be in the same form, and in the same terms, as if it were being given to the person; and

(b) may be given to the correspondence nominee personally or by post or in any other manner approved by the Secretary.


(a) under subsection (1), the Secretary gives a notice (the nominee notice ) to a person's correspondence nominee; and

(b) the Secretary afterwards gives the person a notice that:

(i) is expressed to be given under the same provision of the family assistance law as the nominee notice; and

(ii) makes the same requirement of the person as the nominee notice;

section 219TI ceases to have effect in relation to the nominee notice.


(a) under subsection (1), the Secretary gives a notice (the nominee notice ) to a person's correspondence nominee; and

(b) the Secretary has already given to the person a notice that:

(i) is expressed to be given under the same provision of the family assistance law as the nominee notice; and

(ii) makes the same requirement of the person as the nominee notice;

section 219TI does not have effect in relation to the nominee notice.

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