Diesel and Alternative Fuels Grants Scheme Act 1999 (Repealed)

Part 5 - Disqualification for fraud  


25   Disqualification of trust - trustee disqualified etc.  

Despite the provisions of Part 2, a trust is disqualified, and is taken to have been disqualified, from receiving a fuel grant for the use of diesel fuel or alternative fuel at a particular time if any of the following entities is disqualified under section 21 or 22 from receiving a fuel grant for the use of diesel fuel or alternative fuel at that time:

(a) a trustee;

(b) an individual who:

(i) is an employee of the trust; and

(ii) is concerned in, or takes part in, the management of the trust;

(c) in a case where a trustee is a body corporate:

(i) a director of the body corporate;

(ii) the secretary of the body corporate;

(iii) a person (by whatever name called and whether or not a director of the body corporate) who is concerned in, or takes part in, the management of the body corporate.

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