Diesel and Alternative Fuels Grants Scheme Act 1999 (Repealed)

Part 2 - Entitlement to fuel grants  

6B   Requirement for registration  

Despite the other provisions of this Part, you are not entitled to a fuel grant in respect of the use, during a grant period, of diesel fuel or alternative fuel in operating a particular vehicle unless you were registered for entitlement to fuel grants in respect of the vehicle either:

(a) at any time during the grant period; or

(b) when you made a claim for payment of the grant.

For the purposes of subsection (1), if you make a claim in respect of a particular vehicle:

(a) after, or at the same time as, you apply for registration in respect of that vehicle; but

(b) before you are registered in respect of that vehicle;

the claim is taken to have been made immediately after you are registered in respect of that vehicle.

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