Corporations Act 2001
Any of the following persons may apply to the Court for an order that they be substituted for a person to whom leave has been granted under section 237:
(a) a member, former member, or a person entitled to be registered as a member, of the company or of a related body corporate;
(b) an officer, or former officer, of the company. 238(2) [ Power of Court]
The Court may make the order if it is satisfied that:
(a) the applicant is acting in good faith; and
(b) it is appropriate to make the order in all the circumstances. 238(3) [ Effect of order]
An order substituting one person for another has the effect that:
(a) the grant of leave is taken to have been made in favour of the substituted person; and
(b) if the other person has already brought the proceedings or intervened - the substituted person is taken to have brought those proceedings or to have made that intervention.
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