Corporations Act 2001
The abbreviations set out in the following table may be used:
(a) instead of words that this Act requires to be part of a registrable Australian body's or foreign company's name or to be included in a document; and
(b) instead of words that are part of a registrable Australian body's or foreign company's name; and
(c) with or without full stops.
Acceptable abbreviations | [ operative table ] | |
Word | Abbreviation | |
1 | Company | Co or Coy |
2 | Proprietary | Pty |
3 | Limited | Ltd |
4 | Australian | Aust |
5 | Number | No |
6 | and | & |
7 | Australian Registered Body Number | ARBN |
8 | Registered | Regd |
If a registrable Australian body's or foreign company's name includes any of these abbreviations, the word corresponding to the abbreviation may be used instead.
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