Corporations Act 2001
Modifying legislative instruments: The application of Ch 5C is affected by the following legislative instruments that commenced on or after 1 January 2022: ASIC Corporations (Asset Holding Standards for Responsible Entities) Instrument 2024/16.
CCH Note: Section 601EE is modified by the ASIC Corporations (Investor Directed Portfolio Services) Instrument 2023/669; the ASIC Corporations (Discretions for Setting the Issue Price and Withdrawal Price of Interests in Managed Investment Schemes) Instrument 2023/693; and the ASIC Corporations (Changing the Responsible Entity) Instrument 2023/681.
If a person operates a managed investment scheme in contravention of subsection 601ED(5) , the following may apply to the Court to have the scheme wound up: (a) ASIC; (b) the person operating the scheme; (c) a member of the scheme.
The Court may make any orders it considers appropriate for the winding up of the scheme.
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