Family and Community Services Legislation Amendment (Australians Working Together and other 2001 Budget Measures) Act 2003 (Incorporating amendments up to Act No. 122 of 2003) (35 of 2003)
Schedule 3 Personal Support Programme
Part 2 Amendment of the Social Security (Administration) Act 1999
Social Security (Administration) Act 1999
23 Paragraph 63(4)(e)
Repeal the paragraph, substitute:
(e) if the person is receiving a youth allowance and is neither:
(i) subject to a requirement by the Secretary to participate in the PSP; nor
(ii) a party to a youth allowance activity agreement under which the person is required to participate in the PSP;
the allowance is not payable and if, at a later time, a youth allowance becomes payable to the person, an administrative breach rate reduction period applies to the person;