Legislation Act 2003

Chapter 1 - Introduction  

Part 2 - Key concepts for legislative instruments and notifiable instruments  

SECTION 7   Simplified outline of this Part  

What are legislative instruments?

Generally, the following are legislative instruments:

  • • an instrument described or declared by a law (including this Act) to be a legislative instrument;
  • • an instrument registered on the Federal Register of Legislation as a legislative instrument;
  • • an instrument made under a power delegated by the Parliament that determines the law or alters its content.
  • However, an instrument is not a legislative instrument if an Act (or a regulation under this Act) so provides.

    What are notifiable instruments?

    Generally, the following are notifiable instruments:

  • • an instrument described or declared by a law (including this Act or a regulation under this Act) to be a notifiable instrument;
  • • a commencement instrument;
  • • an instrument (other than a legislative instrument) that is registered on the Federal Register of Legislation as a notifiable instrument.
  • Generally, unlike legislative instruments, notifiable instruments are not subject to parliamentary scrutiny, nor are they subject to automatic repeal 10 years after registration.

    Other key concepts

    A legislative instrument or notifiable instrument commences on the day after the instrument is registered, or on another day provided by the instrument. Generally, the instrument does not apply retrospectively if that would adversely affect rights or impose liabilities.

    Generally, the same rules apply to the interpretation of legislative instruments and notifiable instruments as apply to the interpretation of Acts. Some special rules also apply to the construction of instruments.

    There are restrictions on the extent to which legislative instruments or notifiable instruments can incorporate matters by reference to external documents.

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