Higher Education Support Act 2003
There are 2 stages to working out a person ' s *accumulated HELP debt for a financial year.
Stage 1 - Former accumulated HELP debt
The *former accumulated HELP debt is worked out by adjusting the preceding financial year ' s *accumulated HELP debt to take account of: (a) changes in the Consumer Price Index and the Wage Price Index; and (b) the *HELP debts that he or she incurs during the last 6 months of the preceding financial year; and (c) *voluntary repayments of the debt; and (d) *compulsory repayment amounts in respect of the debt.
(e) (Repealed by No 55 of 2016)
(See Subdivision 140-B .)
Stage 2 - Accumulated HELP debt
The person ' s *accumulated HELP debt is worked out from: (a) his or her *former accumulated HELP debt; and (b) the *(HELP debts that he or she incurs during the first 6 months of the financial year; and (c) *voluntary repayments of those debts; and (d) reductions of those debts under section 142-15 or 144-10 .
(See Subdivision 140-C .)
Incurring that financial year ' s accumulated HELP debt discharges the previous accumulated HELP debt and HELP debts under this Part: see section 140-35 .
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