Higher Education Support Act 2003

Schedule 1A - VET FEE-HELP Assistance Scheme  


See section 6-1 .

PART 1 - VET providers  

Division 4 - What are the VET quality and accountability requirements?  

Subdivision 4-D - The VET fairness requirements  

SECTION 20   Tuition assurance requirements  

A *VET provider must comply with the *VET tuition assurance requirements.

The Minister may, by declaration in writing, exempt a specified *VET provider from the requirement in subclause (1).

An exemption:

(a) is subject to such conditions as are specified in the exemption; and

(b) may be expressed to be in force for a period specified in the exemption.


A body will not be exempt if a condition of the exemption is not complied with.

An exemption given under this clause is not a legislative instrument.

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