Bankruptcy Legislation Amendment (Debt Agreements) Act 2007 (44 of 2007)

Schedule 2   Amendments commencing on 1 July 2007

Bankruptcy Act 1966

8   Subsection 185(1)


applicable deadline :

(a) in relation to a debt agreement proposal, means:

(i) if Official Receiver accepted the proposal for processing in December - the end of the 42nd day after the acceptance; or

(ii) otherwise - the end of the 35th day after the Official Receiver accepted the proposal for processing; or

(b) in relation to a proposal to vary a debt agreement, means:

(i) if the proposal was given to the Official Receiver in December - the end of the 42nd day after the proposal was given; or

(ii) otherwise - the end of the 35th day after the proposal was given to the Official Receiver; or

(c) in relation to a proposal to terminate a debt agreement, means:

(i) if the proposal was given to the Official Receiver in December - the end of the 21st day after the proposal was given; or

(ii) otherwise - the end of the 14th day after the proposal was given to the Official Receiver.