Tax Agent Services Act 2009


Division 30 - The Code of Professional Conduct  

Subdivision 30-B - Your liability for administrative sanctions  

SECTION 30-20   Orders  

The Board may make an order that requires you take one or more actions including, but not limited to, the following:

(a)    completing a course of education or training specified in the order;


providing * tax agent services for which you are registered only under the supervision of a * registered tax agent or BAS agent specified in the order;

(c)    providing only those tax agent services that are specified in the order;

(d)    requiring you to notify, in writing, all of your current clients about the findings of the Board ' s investigation specified in the order.

The Board must notify you in writing of the order. The order may specify the following, as appropriate:

(a)    the period of time within which you must complete the requirements specified in the order;

(b)    the period of time during which the order applies.

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