National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009
The inspector may decide to hold the examination: (a) at one or more physical venues; or (b) at one or more physical venues and using virtual enquiry technology; or (c) using virtual enquiry technology only.
Subsection (3) applies if the examination is held: (a) at one or more physical venues and using virtual enquiry technology; or (b) using virtual enquiry technology only.
The inspector must ensure that the use of the virtual enquiry technology is reasonable.
If the examination is held: (a) at more than one physical venue; or (b) at one or more physical venues and using virtual enquiry technology; or (c) using virtual enquiry technology only;
the inspector may appoint a single place and time at which the examination is taken to have been held.
This section applies to part of an examination in the same way that it applies to all of an examination.
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