National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009



See section 3 of the National Credit Act.


Division 5 - Credit provider ' s obligation to account  

38   Disputed accounts  

If a debtor, by written notice to a credit provider, disputes a particular liability entered against the debtor under a credit contract, the credit provider must give the debtor a written notice explaining in reasonable detail how the liability arises.

A written notice need not be given if the credit provider agrees with the debtor as to the disputed amount and gives the debtor a written notice advising of the agreed liability.

If in the case of a continuing credit contract the disputed entry appears in a statement of account in which a date for payment of the amount of the account, or part of that amount, is shown, the notice of dispute must be given to the credit provider on or before that date.


In the case of any other credit contract for which a statement of account is given, the notice of dispute must be given to the credit provider within 30 days after the day the debtor receives the statement of account in which the amount, or part of that amount, is first shown.


In the case of a credit contract in respect of which a statement of account need not be and is not given for the period to which the disputed liability relates, the notice of dispute must be given to the credit provider not later than 3 months after the day the contract ends.


The credit provider must not begin enforcement proceedings on the basis of a default arising from the disputed liability until the period of 30 days, starting on the day the credit provider gives the written explanation or advice as to agreement, has expired.

Criminal penalty: 50 penalty units.

A debtor or credit provider may apply to the court to have the court determine a disputed liability and, if satisfied that a liability is genuinely disputed, the court may determine the matters in dispute and make such consequential orders as it thinks just.

If an application is made to the court under this section within 30 days after the explanation is given, the credit provider must not, without leave of the court, begin enforcement proceedings on the basis of a default arising from the disputed liability.

Criminal penalty: 50 penalty units.


Subsections (6) and (8) are offences of strict liability.

For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code .

This section does not affect a dispute not dealt with, or not arising, under this section.

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