Albury-Wodonga Development Corporation (Abolition) Act 2014 (117 of 2014)

Schedule 1   Amendments

Part 3   Transitional provisions

Division 2   Transfer of assets and liabilities

11   Transfers of land may be registered

(1) If any land vests in the Commonwealth under this Division and the Minister signs a certificate that:

(a) identifies the land, whether by reference to a map or otherwise; and

(b) states that the land has become vested in the Commonwealth under this Division; and

(c) is lodged with the Registrar of Titles or other proper officer of the State or Territory in which the land is situated;

the Registrar or other officer may:

(d) register the matter in a way that is the same as, or similar to, the way in which dealings in land of that kind are registered; and

(e) deal with, and give effect to, the certificate.

(2) A certificate under subitem (1) is not a legislative instrument.