Acts and Instruments (Framework Reform) Act 2015 (10 of 2015)

Schedule 1   Acts, legislative instruments and notifiable instruments

Part 5   Amendments of other Acts

Acts Interpretation Act 1901

99   At the end of section 13


(3) However, text is not part of an Act, or a compilation of an Act within the meaning of the Legislation Act 2003, if the text:

(a) only indicates the effect of an element of the Act; and

(b) is accessible in an electronic version of the Act or compilation; and

(c) does not appear in the printed text of the Act (or any amendment of the Act) as enacted by the Parliament, or any other printed version of the Act or compilation.

Note: This text is known as alternative text or “alt text”. Alternative text may be accessible in an electronic version of an Act or compilation that is published on an approved website under the Legislation Act 2003. This text may, for example, aurally indicate the effect of a graphic image in an Act to assist users of the website who have visual disabilities.