Customs Amendment (Australian Trusted Trader Programme) Act 2015 (73 of 2015)

Schedule 1   Australian trusted trader programme

Part 1   Main amendments

Customs Act 1901

2   At the end of Division 1A of Part IV


49C Obligations under this Part may be satisfied in accordance with a trusted trader agreement

(1) An entity is released from an obligation that the entity would otherwise be required to satisfy under a provision of this Part (other than Division 1) if the obligation:

(a) is of a kind prescribed by rules for the purposes of Part XA; and

(b) is specified in those rules as an obligation from which an entity may be released; and

(c) is specified in a trusted trader agreement between the Comptroller-General of Customs and the entity.

(2) If:

(a) an obligation must be satisfied under a provision of this Part (other than Division 1); and

(b) the obligation:

(i) is of a kind prescribed by rules for the purposes of Part XA; and

(ii) is specified in those rules as an obligation that may be satisfied in a way other than required by this Part; and

(iii) is specified in a trusted trader agreement between the Comptroller-General of Customs and an entity;

then, despite the relevant provision, the entity may satisfy the obligation in the way specified in the trusted trader agreement.