Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 2016 (82 of 2016)

Schedule 10   Surveillance devices

Surveillance Devices Act 2004

29   At the end of subsection 45(5)


; (j) in the case of information:

(i) obtained under a control order warrant; or

(ii) relating to an application for, the issue of, the existence of, or the expiration of, a control order warrant; or

(iii) that is likely to enable the identification of a person, object or premises specified in a control order warrant;

determining whether the relevant control order, or any succeeding control order, has been, or is being, complied with;

(k) in the case of information:

(i) obtained under a tracking device authorisation given on the basis of a control order; or

(ii) relating to an application for, the giving of, the existence of, or the expiration of, a tracking device authorisation given on the basis of a control order; or

(iii) that is likely to enable the identification of a person, object or premises specified in a tracking device authorisation given on the basis of a control order;

determining whether the control order, or any succeeding control order, has been, or is being, complied with.