Corporations Amendment (Asia Region Funds Passport) Act 2018 (61 of 2018)

Schedule 2   Amendments consequential on Chapter 8A

Corporations Act 2001

225   After paragraph 911A(2)(eg)


(eh) the service is the acquisition of a financial product as an investment of the assets of a notified foreign passport fund by:

(i) the operator of the fund; or

(ii) another person acting on the direction of the operator of the fund, or the direction of an agent of the operator of the fund;

(ei) the service is the disposal of a financial product that was acquired as an investment of the assets of a notified foreign passport fund by:

(i) the operator of the fund; or

(ii) another person acting on the direction of the operator of the fund, or the direction of an agent of the operator of the fund;

(ej) the service is the issuing, acquisition or disposalof a derivative or foreign exchange contract by:

(i) the operator of a notified foreign passport fund; or

(ii) another person acting on the direction of the operator of a notified foreign passport fund, or the direction of an agent of the operator of a notified foreign passport fund;

for the purposes of managing the financial consequences to the fund of particular circumstances happening, or avoiding or limiting the financial consequences of fluctuations in, or in the value of, receipts or costs (including prices or interest rates);