Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 2018 (150 of 2018)

Schedule 1   Repeals and amendments

Part 2   Consequential amendments

Aged Care Act 1997

19   Subsection 96-2(2)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

Quality and Safety Commissioner

(2) The Secretary may, in writing, delegate to the *Quality and Safety Commissioner the powers and functions of the Secretary that the Secretary considers necessary for the Commissioner to perform the Commissioner's functions under the *Quality and Safety Commission Act or rules made under that Act.

(2A) If, under subsection (2), the Secretary delegates a power or function to the *Quality and Safety Commissioner, the Commissioner may, in writing, sub-delegate the power or function to a member of the staff of the *Quality and Safety Commission referred to in section 33 of the *Quality and Safety Commission Act.