Treasury Laws Amendment (Improving Accountability and Member Outcomes in Superannuation Measures No. 1) Act 2019 (40 of 2019)

Schedule 6   Portfolio holdings disclosure

Corporations Act 2001

1   Subsection 1017BB(1)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

Obligation to publicise investment information

(1) The trustee, or the trustees, of a registrable superannuation entity (the reporting entity ) must make the following information about each of the entity's investment options publicly available on the entity's website no later than 90 days after each reporting day:

(a) sufficient information to identify each investment item (a disclosable item ) allocated to the investment option at the end of the reporting day that:

(i) is held by the reporting entity, an associated entity of the reporting entity or a pooled superannuation trust; and

(ii) is neither an investment in an associated entity of the reporting entity, nor an investment in a pooled superannuation trust;

(b) sufficient information to identify the value, and the weighting or exposure, at the end of the reporting day of each disclosable item;

(c) the total value, and the total weighting or exposure, at the end of the reporting day of all disclosable items.

(1A) However, the regulations may provide that subsection (1) applies for a prescribed kind of disclosable item so that:

(a) paragraphs (1)(a) and (b) need not be complied with for each item of that kind; and

(b) instead, only the following need be disclosed:

(i) the name of that kind of item;

(ii) the total value, and the total weighting or exposure, at the end of the reporting day of all items of that kind.