Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority Amendment (Sport Integrity Australia) Act 2020 (11 of 2020)

Schedule 1   Main amendments

Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority Act 2006

3   Section 3


This Act requires the making of a scheme called the National Anti-Doping Scheme (known as the NAD scheme). The NAD scheme implements the General Anti-Doping Convention and the UNESCO Anti-Doping Convention. Certain matters must be in the NAD scheme (see Division 2 of Part 2).

This Act establishes a body called the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (known as the ASADA). The ASADA assists the CEO of ASADA. The CEO has functions relating to the NAD scheme and other sports doping and safety matters. The CEO also maintains the Violations List, which contains information about certain persons who have been sanctioned in relation to an anti-doping rule violation.


This Act establishes Sport Integrity Australia. It assists the CEO of Sport Integrity Australia. The CEO has functions in relation to matters relating to sports integrity, including threats to sports integrity.

This Act requires the making of a scheme called the National Anti-Doping Scheme (known as the NAD scheme). The NAD scheme implements the General Anti-Doping Convention and the UNESCO Anti-Doping Convention. Certain matters must be in the NAD scheme (see Division 2 of Part 2).

The CEO maintains the Violations List, which contains information about certain persons who have been sanctioned in relation to an anti-doping rule violation.