Corporations Amendment (Meetings and Documents) Act 2022 (9 of 2022)

Schedule 1   Signing and executing documents

Corporations Act 2001

13   Subsection 129(5)

Repeal the subsection (not including the heading), substitute:

(5) A person may assume that a document has been duly executed by the company if the document appears to have been signed in accordance with subsection 127(1). For the purposes of making the assumption, a person may also assume that, if any person who signs the document states next to their signature that:

(a) they are a director of the company - that is the case; or

(b) they are the company secretary of the company - that is the case; or

(c) they are the sole director of the company and that the company does not have a company secretary - that is the case; or

(d) they are the sole director and sole company secretary of the company - that is the case.

Note: For provisions about technology neutral signing, see Division 1 of Part 1.2AA.