Administrative Review Tribunal Act 2024 (40 of 2024)

Part 4   Proceedings

Division 10   After proceeding ends

115   Taxing costs

When this section applies


(1) This section applies if the Tribunal orders a party to a proceeding in the Tribunal to pay costs incurred by another party to the proceeding.

Note: The Tribunal's power to order a party to a proceeding to pay costs is set out in other legislation.

Party may apply for costs to be taxed


(2) If the parties cannot agree on the amount of the costs, the Tribunal may, on application by either party, tax the costs.

Amounts are recoverable as debts


(3) An amount that a party (the first party ) is ordered by the Tribunal to pay to another party (the second party ) is recoverable by the second party as a debt due to the second party by the first party.