Administrative Review Tribunal Act 2024 (40 of 2024)

Part 8   Members and staff of Tribunal

Division 2   Members of Tribunal

Subdivision A   Members and functions

193   Functions of President

The President has the following functions:

(a) to participate as a member of the Tribunal, particularly in proceedings involving complex, significant or sensitive matters;

(b) if assigned under section 197 to be a jurisdictional area leader - to perform the functions of a jurisdictional area leader;

(c) to manage the business of the Tribunal;

(d) to manage the performance and conduct of members;

(e) to ensure that the Tribunal operates efficiently and effectively and continually pursues the objective in section 9;

(f) to provide intellectual leadership to the Tribunal, including by promoting best practice in decision-making by the Tribunal;

(g) to provide leadership and guidance to, and engender cohesiveness and collaboration among, members and staff members;

(h) to promote the training, education and professional development of members;

(i) to inform relevant Ministers, relevant Commonwealth entities and the Council of any systemic issues related to the making of reviewable decisions that have been identified in the caseload of the Tribunal;

(j) any other functions conferred on the President by this Act or another Act;

(k) to engage with civil society in relation to the performance of any of the above functions;

(l) to do anything incidental or conducive to the performance of any of the above functions.