Excise and Customs Legislation Amendment (Streamlining Administration) Act 2024 (51 of 2024)

Schedule 1   Streamlining administration

Part 1   Warehouse and excise licensing

Division 1   Main amendments

Customs Act 1901
12   After subsection 81(1)


(1A) The Comptroller-General must not grant a warehouse licence that covers a particular place if, in the Comptroller-General's opinion:

(a) if the applicant is a company - any director, officer or shareholder of the company who would participate in the management or control of the place is not a fit and proper person to so participate; or

(b) in any case - an employee of the applicant who would participate in the management or control of the place is not a fit and proper person to so participate; or

(c) in any case - the physical security of the place is not adequate having regard to:

(i) the nature of the place; or

(ii) the kinds and quantity of goods that would be kept in the place; or

(iii) the procedures and methods that would be adopted by the applicant to ensure the security of goods in the place; or

(d) in any case - the plant and equipment that would be used in relation to goods at the place are not suitable having regard to the nature of those goods and that place; or

(e) in any case - the books of account or records that would be kept in relation to the place would not be suitable to enable an officer of Customs to adequately audit those books or records.