Treasury Laws Amendment (Reserve Bank Reforms) Act 2024 (96 of 2024)

Schedule 1   Amendments

Part 5   RBA's new Monetary Policy Board: procedural provisions

Reserve Bank Act 1959

55   Subsection 5(1)


Chair :

(a) of the Governance Board - has the meaning given by paragraph 25NC(1)(a); or

(b) of the Monetary Policy Board - has the meaning given by subsection 25AC(1); or

(c) of the Payments System Board - has the meaning given by section 25C.

Deputy Chair :

(a) of the Governance Board - has the meaning given by paragraph 25NC(1)(b); or

(b) of the Monetary Policy Board - has the meaning given by subsection 25AC(2); or

(c) of the Payments System Board - has the meaning given by subsection 25D(1).

external Monetary Policy Board member has the meaning given by paragraph 25AA(d).

Secretary means the Secretary of the Department.

Treasurer means the Minister administering this Act.