Bankruptcy Regulations 2021
The Official Receiver must enter in the Index the following information about a debtor covered by subsection (2): (a) the debtor ' s full name and alias (if any); (b) the debtor ' s address; (c) the debtor ' s occupation (if any); (d) the day on which the information referred to in paragraphs (a) to (c) is entered in the Index.
The following debtors are covered by this subsection: (a) a debtor whose property is under the control of the Official Trustee or a registered trustee because of a direction given by the Court under paragraph 50(1)(a) of the Act; (b) a debtor who signs an authority under subsection 188(1) of the Act; (c) a deceased debtor if a petition for an order for the administration of the deceased debtor ' s estate has been presented under Part XI of the Act; (d) a debtor in relation to whom an application is made to the Court under subsection 253E(1) of the Act for an order staying all or any proceedings under a petition.
In the case of a deceased debtor, the information to be entered in accordance with paragraphs (1)(a), (b) and (c) is the information immediately before the debtor ' s death.
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