Treasury Laws Amendment (Financial Reporting and Auditing of Registrable Superannuation Entities) Regulations 2023 (F2023L00990)

Schedule 1   Amendments

Corporations Regulations 2001

7   After regulation 7.9.31


7.9.31A Trustee of superannuation entity must provide fund information to holders of interests in the entity

For the purposes of paragraph 1017DA(1)(a) of the Act, the trustee of a superannuation entity must provide the holder of a superannuation product (being an interest in that entity) with the following fund information relating to the entity and any relevant sub-plan (within the meaning of section 1017C of the Act):

(a) if the entity is not a self managed superannuation fund - the name and ABN of each outsourced service provider that has provided, at any time in the previous 12 months, a service which may affect a material business activity of the entity;

(b) if the entity is not a self managed superannuation fund - the following information about each member of the key management personnel of the entity:

(i) the member's name;

(ii) the member's qualifications;

(iii) a summary of the member's experience as a trustee or board member, including the periods during which the member served as a trustee or board member;

(c) if the entity is not a self managed superannuation fund - the record of attendance at board meetings for each director of the entity for:

(i) the last 7 financial years; or

(ii) if a director has served for a period of less than 7 years - that period;

(d) the fund information specified in Subdivisions 5.6 and 5.7 of this Division that is applicable to the entity.