Petroleum Resource Rent Tax Assessment Regulations 2024 (F2024L00964)

Part 1   Preliminary

Division 2   Definitions

7   When a relevant GTE operation exists


(1) A relevant GTE operation exists if there is an operation (the overall operation ) in which:

(a) petroleum is, or will be, recovered from a petroleum project; and

(b) sales gas is, or will be, produced from some or all of the petroleum; and

(c) some or all of the sales gas is, or will be, consumed in the commercial production of electricity.


(2) The project natural gas of the relevant GTE operation is the petroleum (in the form of natural gas) mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) from which sales gas will be produced and consumed in the production of electricity within the overall operation (including any of that natural gas that is used in that production).


(3) The project sales gas of the relevant GTE operation is the sales gas mentioned in paragraph (1)(b) that:

(a) will be consumed in the production of electricity within the overall operation; or

(b) will, after becoming an excluded commodity, be used in the downstream stage of the operation in relation to the production of electricity from sales gas mentioned in paragraph (1)(b).


(4) The electricity mentioned in paragraph (1)(c) is project electricity of the relevant GTE operation.


(5) The project natural gas, project sales gas and project electricity are project product of the relevant GTE operation.


(6) The year of tax in which the project sales gas is first consumed in the production of project electricity is the production year for the relevant GTE operation.


(7) The production date for the relevant GTE operation is 31 December of the production year.


(8) The period beginning with the production year and ending with the year of tax in which project sales gas is last consumed in the production of project electricity is the operating life of the relevant GTE operation.


(9) If the relevant GTE operation produces a marketable petroleum commodity other than project sales gas, the year of tax in which it is first produced is the MPC production year for the relevant GTE operation.

Operations where custody of the project product changes


(10) To avoid doubt, an operation may be a relevant GTE operation even if project product of the operation is not in the custody of participants in the operation for all of the phases of the operation.