SECTION 14 (Repealed by 74 of 2006)   METHYLATED SPIRITS AND THEIR USE  

Spirits distilled in Australia and imported spirits may be methylated in accordance with this Act and the regulations.

There shall be four classes of methylated spirits as follows:

(a) Industrial spirits for use in the arts and manufactures (other than the manufacture of articles of food or drink, essences, tinctures, or medicines);

(b) Mineralized spirits for lighting, heating and power purposes;

(c) Spirits for special manufactures or special purposes;

(d) Spirits to be used for purposes of scientific investigation in connexion with Universities or Public Institutions.


Spirits for any special manufacture or for any special purpose shall be methylated as prescribed and shall only be used under the CEO's control and in accordance with the regulations.

Spirits for use in scientific investigation shall be treated and dealt with in manner prescribed.

No methylated spirits shall be used in the manufacture or preparation of any articles of food or drink, or of any essences, tinctures, or medicines.

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